Ch. Sociando Mallet 2016 Haut-Médoc

€ 50.98Vanaf 12 stuks €46.34

Type Rode wijn
Land Frankrijk
Regio Bordeaux
Appellatie Haut Médoc
Wijndomein Château Sociando Mallet
Biowijn Nee
Druif cabernet sauvignon, merlot, cabernet franc
Jaar 2016
Volume 0.750
Draaistop Nee

Vinous – Antonio Galloni – Score 91+/100
The 2016 Sociando Mallet is a wine of real depth and power. My feeling is that the 2016 will need at least a few years to be at its very best. Even so, the wine’s complexity and overall pedigree are impossible to miss. Plum, lavender, chocolate and spice add striking layers of nuance. This is a very strong showing from Sociando Mallet.

Robert Parker The Wine Advocate – Score 92-94/100
The 2016 Sociando-Mallet has a refulgent purple/black color. It has a very intense and rich, you might say “ambitious” bouquet with layers of small black cherries, blueberry and a touch of sloes, less tertiary than previous vintages and certainly more opulent. The palate is medium-bodied with juicy ripe tannin that almost disguise the firm structure underneath. I admire the completeness of this Sociando-Mallet, the neatly embroidered new oak and the freshness on the finish. This 2016 is totally convincing. It comes highly recommended as one of the best wines produced at this estate in the northern Médoc. This is an outstanding wine from Mon. Gartreau.

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