Extravagant de Ch Doisy Daene 0,375 2023
€ 213.57/ Per fles min. 12 flessen
Biowijn | Nee |
Draaistop | Nee |
Vinous – Neil Martin – 95-97/100
The 2023 L’Extravagant de Doisy-Daëne is pure Sémillon, as usual. This is much more streamlined and controlled than other vintages— less hedonistic, with fine delineation and more mineralité.The palate is outstanding, showcasing shimmering, citrus-fresh Clementine and peach notes. It’s less unctuous than other vintages, though perhaps that is due to the acidity (5.4 grams per liter). This fans out wonderfully on the finish. Fabulous.
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